I have either minor or associative (can one have both? lol) I can see facial features, but unless it's someone I know well, I can't commit those features to memory. I always had this, but didn't really hit me it was a real thing till I hurt someone's feelings. In the setting I know people from (by their homes, or at work), I can recognize enough about people to know who they are, but have walked right past them in the store without a clue I knew the person I was passing, until they stopped me and started talking, and usually they've always said something that helped me understand who they are immediately, or I was able to bluff my way thru the encounters. But this guy, all he said was 'hey.' And all I drew was a complete and utter blank to a point I had to admit I had no clue who he was. I also happen to be autistic. This happened only a few months ago, so for nearly 44 years, I walked around clueless I had face blindness. I thought I just lacked any ability to pay attention lol Now I recognize it every time it happens..which is constantly. As with my autism and asking for help with that, now I am learning to also state openly that I have face blindness, so I don't have to take guesses or bluff my way thru anything. I am grateful my case is not more extreme.