I maybe learned a lesson in this on a film set I was working on..We were filming a short film in a person's house that was rented off a website where you can rent your home for filming, specifically. The home was run down, unclean, lots of stuff. Everyone was trash talking the family who lives there as being dirty and "I could never....." and I was really feeling unspoken pressure to join the chorus. I feel bad I almost caved just to fit in. As an autistic, I will do that to mask, just for fitting in. But for whatever reason, I didn't. Instead I said, "but they are musicians and in my experience musicians tend to suffer more with depression and depression makes keeping up with cleaning really hard, I struggle with this a lot, my home is messy right now"...As soon as the words left my face, 3 other people piped in with "yes, this, I have dealt with depression, my home is a mess right now, too." Everyone else stopped shaming them. I still duno why I said it cos I am by no means good at being honest this way, like I said, I mask...maybe I was just too tired to mask at that moment...Glad I did, tho..I should start trying to be more upfront like that, I know what you are saying is right...it's so true. I am going to start trying to do this, now! Thank you for saying it outright. More of us need to hear this kind of thing.