In my experience, they won't. I was bullied horrendously as a kid for being different, and knew some of their parents, and the parents weren't always the same way as the kids. Some kids, actually a lot of them, really are just AH's, and do not deserve to be treated kindly, they need consequences. That is the only hope of changing who they are. But most often, it is the victim who faces consequences when they finally get sick of it and fight back. It happens as adults, too. How often is a person grossly abusive with narcissism or passive aggression, and everyone snickers and agrees, and when we finally snap and show straight aggression, nothing passive about it, we are shocking and horrifying and our behavior is out of line and we need to go speak with HR or get fired, or seek anger management, or [enter some punishment for the victim finally enforcing their boundary here].
Humans are disgusting.