No problem, dropping out was best for me, too..and had I not joined the military, I would be a lawyer. Even with a GED, I had such good test scores on my SAT I was offered a partial scholarship to the University of Miami. I had already been taking special law courses during the summers since I was 16..if I recall right, they were designed for teens still in high school. Even in joining the military it was because they would have paid for law school, entirely, instead of just partially like the UM offered up. But also, I was undiagnosed, still. If I had been diagnosed, I could have had all my schooling paid for without joining the Marines. Unfortunately, the anthrax vax administered in boot camp triggered a neuro condition and I found myself re-learning basic functions at the age of 19, so it entirely derailed my life, but that is an aside. That said, I will be starting classes next month to finally start finishing what I started 20 years ago, with a paralegal course. We can, and do, succeed with a GED, instead of a diploma. The most famous case of this is Albert Einstein. He dropped out of school at 15 years old, and was autistic, non verbal till the age of 5, even.