Phone tech question
I have a ton of techies following me. Hoping one of you can be of assistance. I accidentally permanently deleted all my photos from my phone. I had no backup. But I know even permanently deleted data is stored until overwritten. I just don’t know how to access it to recover the photos.
It’s a samsung galaxy s22.
Please tell me one of you can help! I had photos of my dad who has passed, that I had nowhere else. I was in the process of uploading stuff to my laptop when this happened.
Samsung NEXT SamsungDC Samsung Strategy & Innovation Center Tim Baxter It shouldn’t be this hard, even for total idiots like me, to recover :( Please consider a better solution, like no ‘permanent’ deletion unless you go into the trash bin and delete it there, or leave it in the trash at least 30 days. We should not even be able to permanently delete data without a safeguard. I was hooked up to my laptop uploading photos to different file folders, when one batch I went to delete somehow got ‘camera’ included as a file when deleting. Why was this possible? Camera should not even be selectable in that way. It’s an unthoughtful aspect of your design. Please fix it!