Too many confuse corporatism for capitalism..
The opposite is an issue too. The 'sexual revolution' only created an environment where men still want us to cook and clean and behave, but also put out on first dates and be a porn star in the bedroom, on top of all that. Modesty culture, sexual revolution, these things focus on the wrong thing. They focus on the women. The issue is the of teaching girls it's our fault. And this happens in every culture. The lack of teaching boys they are not entitled to what they want, and the lack of teaching boys they are responsible for their own actions. When a boy is mean to a girl, and the girl is told 'aw he just likes you,' instead of punishing the boy so he learns there are consequences for being mean. That's where it starts. It ends when they reach "she was asking for it cause she was dressed/acting like-" to excuse the rapists and abusers.