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Undue Hate for People on Social Security Aid

That’s how many prosecutions and convictions there were in the last SSA Report to Congress from the Office of the Inspector General.
That is for everyone on some form of Social Security or Supplemental Security, not just those on SSI. (Source- Semiannual Report to Congress — April 1, 2023 — September 30, 2023
In 2017, it was 411. That report showed that the majority of the cases weren’t actually individuals, but companies based out of just 5 states, that were committing the fraud. I don’t have the mental energy to search the most recent report for the same data, but I imagine it’s still primarily companies, not individual people, behind most of the fraud.
The people on SSI aren’t lazy freeloaders, either. Most of them either have a job, or go to school. Most of the rest are caretakers. The drug-using unemployed stereotyped folks on it often didn’t even apply for it. They landed in front of a judge for one reason or another and the judge put them on SSI so they could receive Medicaid. The reason- so the court can place the person into Medicaid-funded rehab. Unemployed people don’t tend to have the money on their own to afford rehab programs.
The people on SSI, for the most part, are disabled and have been most of their lives, hence why they don’t have 10…